• PoWER project

    PoWER – Ports as driving Wheels of Entrepreneurial Realm – is a European Project funded under the INTERREG V B ADRION Programme.

    PoWER challenges the ADRION Programme Priority Innovative and Smart Region by prototyping and testing a methodology for supporting the evolution of Adrion ports into Innovation Hubs in 6 piloting areas.

    PoWER fosters collaboration among the key actors of the Innovation Supply Chain (cognitive institutions, enterprises and Public Administration) – both at local and at transnational level – in order to exploit the yet untapped entrepreneurial potential of these port areas.

    By December 2019 PoWER will deliver a tested methodology and a strategy as well as an ad hoc ICT tool supporting their implementation in all the Adrion ports entering the PoWER Innovation Hubs network.

    For more information, please see http://powerports.eu/

    The PoWER Consortium covers 6 nations thanks to the cooperation of 9 strategic partners:

    • • ITC-CNR: Institute for Construction Technologies – National Research Council of Italy (Lead Partner)
    • • CNA: Confederation of Handcrafts and of SMEs – Association of the Province of Ravenna
    • • RDA Porin: Rijeka Development Agency Porin Ltd
    • • CETEOR: Centre for economic, technological and environmental development Sarajevo
    • • FEP: European Affairs Fund
    • • CDI: Cooperation and Development Institute
    • • Durres Municipality
    • • CERTH: Centre for Research and Technology Hellas
    • • Chamber of Thesprotia
  • SatisFactory - A collaborative and augmented-enabled ecosystem for increasing satisfaction and working experience in smart factory
    environments (2015-2017, H2020 - FOF)

    The project SatisFactory - A collaborative and augmented-enabled ecosystem for increasing SATISfaction and working experience in smart FACTORY environments - is an EU Horizon 2020 funded project, under the grant agreement no: 636302. The project started on the 1st of January 2015 and will last for 36 months. SatisFactory aims to the transfiguration of traditional industrial environments into attractive and safe workplaces. This will be achieved by creating an environment that will stimulate team interactions and the continuous training of employees. SatisFactory will elaborate cutting-edge and user-centered solutions for the capitalization of the knowledge and experience created on the shop floor. Our vision is to increase the flexibility, productivity and innovation potential of modern factories, while enhancing the skills and commitment of their workers.

    SatisFactory envisions a factory of the future as a place that first and foremost provides a healthy and pleasant working experience to all employees. It is a place where staff members feel appreciated and valued for their contribution and are delighted to come to work every day. This enhancement of the overall working experience in a factory in combination with appropriate marketing and recruiting strategies will make industrial employment more attractive to potential younger applicants as well as enhance the wellbeing and satisfaction of the employees.

    The project aims to enhance and enrich the manufacturing working environment towards attractive factories of the future that encompass key enabling technologies such as augmented reality, wearable and ubiquitous computing as well as and customised social communication platforms coupled with experience design and gamification techniques for the efficient transfer of knowledge and experience among employees.

    Project site: http://www.satisfactory-project.eu

    Starting Date : 01/01/2015, Duration : 3 years

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Spyridon Voutetakis

  • Development of a closed loop regenerative high temperature pem fuel cell system

    The use of fuel cells in aerospace applications is, up to date, very limited, future missions, however, will see more involvement of fuel cells in space, and this will include European Space Agency (ESA) activities as well. Reversible or Regenerative Fuel Cells (RFCS) have already been considered as potential energy storage devices for several space mission scenarios, even for Earth satellite missions. Two fields of application have been identified as suitable for the potential use of RFCS: the field of telecommunication for the replacement of batteries, and planetary exploration where RFCS would fill the gap between batteries and nuclear power sources. Current RFCS technology separates the electrolyzer cell and the fuel cell. A complete, closed-loop system based on regenerative fuel cells combined, for instance, with solar panels, would provide autonomous electrical power supply on-demand, which is of great interest and importance for space applications. Such systems are stand-alone systems, where the renewable energy source powers the system.

    The objective of this activity is the development of a Regenerative High Temperature PEM Fuel Cell Stack combined with a High Pressure PEM Water Electrolysis System for space applications.

    The objectives of the activity are:

    • • Evaluation and testing of materials for both High Temperature PEM Fuel Cell, (HTPEMFC), and High Pressure PEM Electrolyser, (HPPEMELY), with emphasis on long life stability and performance.
    • • Design both a minimum 1 kW HTPEMFC and HPPEMELY stacks for use with hydrogen and oxygen intended for closed loop operation.
    • • Design a closed loop Regenerative -PEMFC system.
    • • Manufacture a compact closed loop Regenerative-PEMFC system elegant breadboard.
    • • The compact closed loop 1 kW Regenerative-PEMFC system shall be life tested according to a profile given by the European Space Agency.
    • • Construction of a 3 kW HTPEMFC and a 1.5 kW HPPEMELY stacks. A 3 kW system will allow accurate estimation of system weight and thermal / water management strongly influencing the efficiency of the system.
    • • Evaluation of a performance and efficiency of a system downscaled to 300W.

    Starting Date : 14/03/2014, Duration : 4 years

    CPERI Budget : 244.529 €

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Balomenou Stella

  • Regenerative Fuel Cells For Mars Exploraion

    This activity focuses on a regenerative solid oxide fuel cell system, (RSOFCS), that use carbon dioxide (CO2) as main medium. CO2 is available directly in the Martian atmosphere. These cells when charging absorb electric energy and electrolyse CO2 into carbon monoxide, (CO), and oxygen (O2). These two reactant gasses are then stored. When the cells discharge, CO and O2 are recombined back into CO2 with production of electric energy. These cells, which operate at high temperature, are fully reversible (i.e. the cell works both as electrolyser and as fuel cell) unlike low temperature cells that have, for reasons of catalysis and efficiency, a dedicated electrolyser and a dedicated fuel cell stack. 

    The objectives of the activity are to:

    • • Design, develop and test a small scale demonstrator of reactant generation (pre-pressurization and electrolysis) and storage system.
    • • Design and develop a complete 500 W RSOFC system breadboard with a storage capacity of 10 kWh for use on Mars landers, operated solely from CO2.
    • • Test the RSOFC system breadboard according to the test specification given by ESA. The test plan aims not only at verifying the compliance with requirements established early in the activity, but also at characterizing the performance and operational aspects of the cells.

    Starting Date : 01/09/2013, Duration : 18 months

    CPERI Budget : 292.500 €

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Balomenou Stella

  • Production of Energy Carriers from Biomass By-Products

    The Glycerol2Energy project intends to investigate several possible ways for the exploitation of crude glycerol, aiming at the development of efficient and commercially viable process for the production of renewable energy carriers such as hydrogen, hydrocarbons and higher alcohols. The primary objective of the Glycerol2Energy project is to develop and evaluate in a bench scale innovative process for the production of renewable energy carriers, using a raw material crude glycerol originating from biodiesel industries. Researching the most active, selective and stable catalytic materials for glycerol reforming under various reaction conditions and reactor types, studying the fundamental catalytic phenomena and investigating the optimal catalyst/reactor configurations will be a major part of the project. Exploring the use of syngas produced from glycerol produced from glycerol reforming for the synthesis of higher alcohols is the other important part of the project.

    Starting Date : 2012, Duration : 4 years

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Spyridon Voutetakis

  • High Specific Energy Lithium Cells for Space Exploration

    Li-ion batteries are one of the most successful stories in modern electrochemistry. These batteries, which became a commercial reality about 2 decades ago, are dominating the markets with increasingly wider applications, including space applications. Present challenges are to extend their use to high power and large size applications (e.g. propulsion, EV) and, specifically for space applications, to increase their specific energy density (Wh/kg) and improve their low temperature performance in order to meet the demanding requirements of space missions and man-portable applications. This project focuses on the development of a high energy density Lithium-ion cell capable of operating under low temperature conditions (as low as -40oC) which may be encountered in future exploration missions which do not consider the use of Radioisotope Heater Units. The purpose of this activity is therefore to develop, manufacture and evaluate Lithium-ion prototype cells with a target specific energy of 200Wh/Kg or more, capable of operating under low temperature conditions.

    The main objectives of this project are:

    • • Review of the existing state-of-the-art electrochemical systems and cells technologies and selection of the most promising electrochemical couple(s) and electrolytes
    • • Development of advanced anode materials and testing of three-electrode cells based on the most promising materials
    • • Development of prototype cells and evaluation under cycling tests

    Starting Date : 01/05/2013, Duration : 17 months

    CPERI Budget : 120.000 €

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Balomenou Stella

  • HyPEMRef Development of an innovative, energy efficient and environmentally friendly Power System, operating with hydrogen and fuel cell, for stand-alone refrigeration applications

    The primary objective of the project is to design, construct, optimize and field-test a highly innovative, energy efficient and environmentally friendly power production system for stand-alone, out-of-grid refrigeration applications. The device will be able to convert the fuel (propane, LPG) into electrical power with intermediate production of hydrogen, by means of a high-temperature PEM fuel cell, and will supply with the demanded power a refrigerator (Ice Cold Merchandiser), resulting in an autonomous refrigeration unit. The system will be based on novel materials, devices, processes and technologies that have been recently developed by the participating bodies. The integrated unit will be specifically designed to be used mainly in remote, out-of-grid locations, where power production is very highly priced. The proposed process for LPG-to-power conversion presents electrical efficiency greater than 30%, which is more than double compared to that of conventional diesel/gasoline generators that are mainly used in similar applications. Furthermore, the proposed process is characterized by nearly zero emissions of atmospheric pollutants, such as SOx and NOx and by significantly reduced emissions of CO2, and thus of total carbon footprint.

    The integrated system comprises the following parts:

    • • Fuel processor, where the fuel is reformed to a hydrogen-rich gas stream
    • • Fuel Cell stack, where the demanded power is produced, via the electrochemical reaction of the on-site produced hydrogen with atmospheric oxygen
    • • Power electronics, which store and convert the produced energy to the desired form (230 VAC)
    • • Control system, which drives all the sub-units and controls the entire power system
    • • Refrigeration unit

    After construction of the above system, its optimization with respect to several parameters will take place. A number of 3-5 optimized prototypes will be constructed and installed in selected areas, where field testing under realistic conditions will take place.

    Starting Date : 10/12/2012, Duration :30 months

    CPERI Budget : 70.000 €

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Tsiplakides Dimitris

  • T-CELL - Innovative SPFC Architecture based on Triode Operation

    The development of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) operating on hydrocarbon fuels (natural gas, biofuel, LPG) is the key to their short to medium term broad commercialization. The development of direct HC SOFCs still meets lot of challenges and problems arising from the fact that the anode materials operate under severe conditions leading to low activity towards reforming and oxidation reactions, fast deactivation due to carbon formation and instability due to the presence of sulphur compounds. Although research on these issues is intensive, no major technological breakthroughs have been realized so far with respect to robust operation, sufficient lifetime and competitive cost. T-CELL proposes a novel electrochemical approach aiming at tackling these problems by a comprehensive effort to define, explore, characterize, develop and realize a radically new triode approach to SOFC technology together with a novel, advanced architecture for cell and stack design. This advance will be accomplished by means of an integrated approach based both on materials development and on the deployment of an innovative cell design that permits the effective control of electrocatalytic activity under steam or dry reforming conditions. The novelty of the proposed work lies in the pioneering effort to apply Ni-modified materials electrodes of proven advanced tolerance, as anodic electrodes in SOFCs and in the exploitation of the novel triode SOFC concept which introduces a new controllable variable into fuel cell operation. In order to provide a proof-of-concept of the stackability of triode cells, a prototype triode SOFC stack consisting of at least 4 repeating units will be developed and its performance will be evaluated under methane and steam co-feed, in presence of small concentration of sulphur compound. Success of the overall ambitious objectives of this project will result in major progress beyond the current state-of-the-art and will open entirely new perspectives in cell and stack design.

    Project site: http://www.tcellproject.eu

    Starting Date : 1/09/2012, Duration : 3 years

    CPERI Budget : 714.600 €

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Tsiplakides Dimitris

  • ASYSTENI - Ammonia Synthesis from Steam and Nitrogen at Atmospheric Pressure: The Electrochemical Approach (2012-2015, NSRF)

    Ammonia synthesis from its elements is considered one of the most important scientific achievements of the 20th century. Ten years ago, an electrochemical alternative to the classical high pressure process, developed in our Laboratory, was reported. In the present proposal, the requirement of ultra high purity H2 is eliminated: ammonia will be synthesized from steam and nitrogen. The reaction will be studied in proton (H+) and oxygen ion (O2-) conducting solid electrolyte cells at 400-700°C and at atmospheric pressure. In the H+ cell, steam will be electrolyzed at the anode to produce protons and oxygen: H2O > 2 H+ + ½ O2 + 2 e-. Protons will be then transported through the solid electrolyte to the cathode where they will react with nitrogen to produce ammonia: 3 H+ + ½ N2 + 3 e- > NH3. In the O2- cell, H2O and N2 will be fed in together at the cathode, where H2O will be electrolyzed: H2O + 2 e- > O2- + H2 . The produced Η2 will then react with N2 to produce ΝΗ3. Hence, in both cells, the overall reaction can be written as: N2 + 3 Η2O <==> 2 ΝΗ2 + 3/2 O2. The feasibility of these processes has been tested successfully in our Laboratory. Nevertheless, a number of problems that need to be solved in order to scale-up, have been identified. The goal of the present proposal is to propose and explore means to overcome these hurdles and bring this new method into industrial practice.

    Starting Date : 1/7/2012, Finish : 30/6/2015

    CPERI Budget : 249.999,31 €

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Stoukides Mihalis

  • H2S PROTON - Hydrogen production from H2S decomposition in high temperature proton conducting solid oxide membrane reactors (2012-2015, BLACK SEA "2007 - 2013")

    The proposed research addresses the priority “Hydrogen production from H2S rich Black Sea Water”. The main scope is to develop a micro-structured proton conducting electrochemical membrane reactor/fuel cell that will enable the efficient exploitation of Black Sea’s hydrogen rich energy potential (>1.3 million tons). Such an innovative approach will result to the partial compensation of regional countries energy demand, rendering them as key players in the forthcoming hydrogen economy era. Hydrogen production from H2S in Black Sea consists of the following stages: a) pumping of sea water at ~1000m depth, b) extraction of concentrated H2S/H2O mixture, c) decomposition of H2S to H2 and S. The present proposal will delve in every aspect the decomposition step to form H2 in the most efficient way. The development of H+ conducting ceramic membranes is widely recognized as an important step to broad the application of protonic devices; electrochemical reactors and fuel cells. To this end, a H+ conducting cell is planned to be fabricated and operate in the co-generative mode. The anode electrode will be exposed to the concentrated H2S/H2O extraction and catalyze the decomposition of H2S and H2O to H+, S and O2. In the following, H+ will be transferred through the membrane to cathode where they will be converted either to hydrogen (reactor mode) or to H2O generating at the same time electrical energy (fuel cell mode). Simultaneously, on the anode chamber the generated S will react with O2 and excess H2O to SOX and H2SO4. This advantageous poly-generation approach will enable: i) pure H2 production at cathode from both H2S and H2O, ii) S management with H2SO4 co-generation at anode, iii) high efficiencies towards H2 due to the shift of the equilibrium and the application of the electrochemical promotion concept and iv) flexible operation for the simultaneous production and separation of hydrogen or its direct use for power generation under fuel cell operation.

    Starting Date : 1/2/2012, Finish : 31/1/2015

    CPERI Budget : 120.000 €

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Marnelos George

  • DISKNET - Distributed knowledge based energy saving networks (2012-2015, FP7 Marie Curie IRSES)

    Project DISKNET, plans an innovative scientific exchange in the field of designing and optimising distributed networks for efficient energy supply, management and use. The sustainability in the development in the EU and worldwide depends on a number of interrelated factors, originating from the environment, the economy and the society. Sufficient and secure energy supply at acceptable cost and minimum environmental impact is key to achieving sustainability regarding all these aspects. The current proposal, addresses all the three aspects– environmental, economic and societal, by proposing research and integrated knowledge management for improved efficiency of energy supply, conversion and utilisation. The objective of the proposed project is to stimulate a long term research collaboration between academic organisations from the European Research Area (ERA) (Hungary, Greece and Croatia) and leading academic partners from third countries (Ukraine, Jordan and Morocco), in the area of energy systems engineering and energy supply chains.

    This will be achieved by undertaking the following joint activities:

    • • Implement a well structured mobility programme of researchers through two-way exchanges.
    • • Organise a series of training courses, seminars and workshops for researchers both ERA and other countries.
    • • Evaluation and assessment of tools, methodologies and approaches for the design, operation, control and optimisation of energy supply chains involving distributed energy generation and polygeneration of energy and other products.
    • • Organisation and joint participation in conferences.
    • • Joint research involving simulation, design and feasibility studies.
    • • Cooperating with governments, energy investors and other research organisations to present the results of the joint support actions.
    • • Integrated exchange and management of knowledge using modern information and communication technologies.

    Starting Date : 1/1/2012, Finish : 31/12/2015

    CPERI Budget : 125.000 €

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Spyridon Voutetakis

  • CoMETHy - Compact Multifuel-Energy To Hydrogen converter (2011-2014, FP7 CP)

    CoMETHy aims at developing a compact steam reformer to convert reformable fuels (methane, bioethanol, glycerol, etc.) to pure hydrogen, adaptable to several heat sources (solar, biomass, fossil, refuse derived fuels, etc.) depending on the locally available energy mix.

    The following systems and components will be developed:

    • • a structured open-celled catalyst for the low-temperature (< 550°C) steam reforming processes.
    • • a membrane reactor to separate hydrogen from the gas mixture.
    • • the use of an intermediate low-cost and environmentally friendly liquid heat transfer fluid (molten nitrates) to supply process heat from a multi fuel system. Reducing reforming temperatures below 550°C by itself will significantly reduce material costs. The process involves heat collection from several energy sources and its storage as sensible heat of a molten salts mixture at 550°C. This molten salt stream provides the process heat to the steam reformer, steam generator, and other units.

    The choice of molten salts as heat transfer fluid allows:

    • • improved compactness of the reformer;
    • • rapid and frequent start-up operations with minor material ageing concerns;
    • • improved heat recovery capability from different external sources;
    • • coupling with intermittent renewable sources like solar in the medium-long term, using efficient heat storage to provide the renewable heat when required. Methane, either from desulfurized natural gas or biogas, will be considered as a reference feed material to be converted to hydrogen.

    Starting Date : 1/12/2011, Finish : 30/11/2014

    CPERI Budget : 270.671,20 €

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Spyridon Voutetakis

  • SustainDiesel - Sustainability Improvement Of Diesel Production Technology (2011-2014, NSRF)

    As diesel covers the 1/3 of the transportation energy in Greece, any effort to improve its sustainability is significantly important. Mixing diesel with biodiesel (produced from Fatty Acid Methyl Esters – FAME) was the first attempt to improve diesel sustainability, which however raised numerous considerations as the production of FAME-biodiesel in Greece is not sustainable. 

    The main premise of this R&D project is broadening of the use of RES for the improvement of diesel sustainability, by promoting the production of a hybrid 2nd generation biodiesel using Renewable Energy Sources. The producing process investigated is based on the co-hydroprocessing of petroleum fractions with waste lipids (cooking oils) and more specifically on the hydrodesulphurization of mixtures of petroleum fractions and waste cooking oil. The sustainability of diesel is further improved by using hydrogen produced from solar energy within the hydroprocessing step. Besides exploring the technological feasibility of the proposed technology, the new hybrid diesel is be evaluated in terms of quality specifications and effectiveness/applicability in conventional diesel engines. Finally, this project is also evaluating the environmental benefits, i.e. Green House Gas (GHG) emissions reduction by incorporating RES for diesel production via the investigated pathway.

    Project site: www.sustaindiesel.gr

    Starting Date : 23/3/2011, Finish : 22/3/2014

    CPERI Budget : 253.847 €

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Spyridon Voutetakis

  • ECHOCO2 - Electrochemically promoted CO2 hydrogenation for the production of clean fuels

    Carbon dioxide is one of the main pollutant greenhouse gases and its high atmospheric concentration affects significantly the climatic changes globally. Therefore, control of CO2 emissions is among most important areas of greenhouse gas control according to the Kyoto protocol and the need for development of new, renewable energy sources and also for optimization of the current energy units is urgent. Towards this direction, several solutions and ideas have been proposed for the capture and storage of CO2 even at large scale, like the recently developed techniques of geological storage. The high cost of these techniques and the loss of reliability prevent them from being widely used. Another attractive approach gaining attention is the effective CO2 utilization via chemical fixation into useful chemical products; however, fixation by chemical methods is still a problem to be solved. Catalytic technologies can offer cost-effective solutions, although their potential application has not often been analyzed in detail. It is necessary to find specific solutions able to reintroduce CO2 into the chemical and energy cycles. A challenge for an energy-saving approach is the catalytic hydrogenation of carbon dioxide to obtain transportation fuels or valuable chemical feedstock such as light olefins and liquid hydrocarbons. Among the various strategies currently investigated for the utilization of CO2, the hydrogenation of CO2 to transportation fuels is the most attractive and desirable and thus constitutes one of the major and currently pressing technological challenges in heterogeneous catalysis and electrochemistry. Although CO2 hydrogenation to methanol is a well-established industrial process, no catalytic process exists for CO2 conversion to hydrocarbons suitable as transportation fuels.

    The objective of this project is the development of novel chemically and electrochemically promoted processes for catalytic hydrogenations with emphasis to the hydrogenation of CO2 to useful fuels and chemicals. Electrochemical promotion of catalysis (EPOC), also known as NEMCA effect (non-Faradaic Electrochemical Modification of Catalytic Activity), is a phenomenon which allows for in situ enhancement and control of catalytic activity and selectivity via the controlled migration of promoting species from or to the catalytic metal/gas interface.

    Starting Date : 30/11/2010, Finish :29/11/2014

    CPERI Budget : 108.800 €

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Tsiplakides Dimitris

  • CAPSOL - Design Technologies for Multi-scale Innovation and Integration in Post-Combustion CO2 Capture: From Molecules to Unit Operations and Integrated Plants. (2011-2014, FP7 CP)

    This project adopts a holistic approach to delivering innovation in post-combustion CO2 capture by researching and developing multi-scale computer aided methods and tools that:

    • • Support intra-scale innovation within multiple levels, ranging from molecules to integrated plants (i.e. thermodynamic models of solvent-CO2 mixtures, CAMD solvent design tools, conceptual to first-principles tools for simulation, optimization, automatic control and integration).
    • • Facilitate efficient inter-scale integration and result in validated and applicable solutions (i.e. advanced decision-making tools to systematically deliver novel solvent and process design options using economic, sustainability and controllability measures from unit operations to plant-wide scales).

    The proposed developments are expected to identify optimum solvent-process schemes that bring the costs down to at least €15/tCO2 captured or less. The radically new approach adopted for the design of solvents and process schemes for post-combustion CO2 capture presents significant advantages compared with previous EU funded projects (e.g. CESAR).

    Starting Date : 1/11/2010, Finish : 31/10/2014

    CPERI Budget : 498.195,80 €

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Seferlis Panagiotis

  • POWERMOTION - Design and Development of a Hybrid Power Supply System for Vehicles, (2011-2014, NSRF) )

    Starting Date : 11/2010, Finish : 11/2014

    CPERI Budget : 582.706 €

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Spyridon Voutetakis

  • SUPERMICRO - Optimal Energy Management of Hybrid Autonomous Systems (2011-2014, NSRF)

    Starting Date : 11/2010, Finish : 11/2014

    CPERI Budget : 323.814 €

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Spyridon Voutetakis

  • JoRIEW - Improving capacity of jordanian research in integraded renewable energy and water supply (2010-2013, FP7 CSA)

    The objective of the JoRIEW project is to reinforce the cooperation capacities of Jordanian research centres by promoting closer scientific collaboration with a number of ERA located research centres and universities. The JoRIEW project will help structure and enhance S&T cooperation in areas of common interest, such as research system integration, integrated energy and water planning. development of water supply systems that can be powered by intermittent renewable energies, in particular flexible pumping techniques and reverse osmosis desalination technology, where Joint research efforts could bring common solutions and mutual benefits. It opens a new chapter of scientific cooperation between the EC and Jordan, an important partner in the EU s neighbourhood policy.

    Improving Jordanian capacities in research wilt be achieved through following activities:

    • • Networking of Jordanian and EU research centres in view of disseminating scientific information, identifying partners and setting up joint research.
    • • Developing training modules to build competency and facilitate the Jordanian participation in FP7 regarding energy and water research.
    • • Developing the Jordanian research strategy for sustainable and renewable energy and water desalination in order to increase its scope, in particular its regional coverage and to improve its responses to the socio-economic needs of Jordan and other countries in the region JoRIEW project actions aim to enhance international cooperation with Jordan by including S&T capacity building {human resources, research policy, networks of researchers and research institutes) activates.

    Project will enable Jordanian researchers to contribute to the solution of local, regional and global problems and to economic and social development. Enhanced research capacity will also encourage researchers to compete interna tionally in terms of scientific excellence and increase their incentives to continue to base their research activities in Jordan.

    Starting Date : 1/10/2010, Finish : 31/10/2013

    CPERI Budget : 30.281 €

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Spyridon Voutetakis

  • HT-PEM-ELE - Nano-structured electrodes for water electrolysis in high temperature Polymer Electrolyte Membrane electrolyzers

    A PEM (Polymer Exchange Membrane) electrolyser is literally a PEM fuel cell operating in reverse mode. When water is introduced to the PEM electrolyzer cell, hydrogen ions (protons) are drawn into and through the membrane, where they recombine with electrons to form hydrogen molecules. Oxygen gas remains behind in the water. As this water is recirculated, oxygen accumulates in a separation tank and can then be removed from the system. Hydrogen gas is separately channeled from the cell stack and captured. Nowadays, there are a plenty of commercial available PEM fuel cell units but a limited number of PEM electrolysers. In the case of PEM electrolysers, although they present advantages over the conventional alkaline electrolysers, further development is still needed in order to achieve higher efficiencies and durability while minimizing production cost. The major disadvantage of PEM electrolysers compared to alkaline is the relatively high anodic overpotential for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER). Over the last 15 years, the highest efficiency that has been reported in the literature for PEM electrolyzers operating at Tmax=90oC, was obtained either with the use of Ir or Ru oxides or with bimetallic oxides such as Pt-Ir, Ir-Ru and Ir-Ta showing a remarkable electrocatalytic activity and stability for the oxygen evolution reaction. However issues concerning the minimization of the catalyst loading and the maximization of the useful lifetime of a PEM electrolyser are still open challenges attracting the attention of research worldwide.

    Besides the development of new electrodes, usually metal oxides, with markedly improved performance, in terms of efficiency, over the conventional PEM electrolyser systems, the major hindrance in all cases remains the maximum operating temperature, which is solely determined by the operating temperature range of the polymer electrolyte membrane (Nafion®) for which the upper limit of this range is 90-1000C. Another crucial factor that limits the tolerance, stability and mostly the lifetime of conventional PEM electrolyzer systems is the tolerance and stability of anode electrodes on carbon supports (carbon paper, carbon cloth) operating in the high potential region. It is known that when a PEM unit operates at high anodic potentials oxidation of the carbon support takes place. This project tackles both subjects through a coherent research plan under the objective of the development of novel PEM electrolysis systems operating at high temperatures up to 1800C.

    Starting Date : 01/09/2010, Finish : 24/01/2015

    CPERI Budget : 130.000 €

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Tsiplakides Dimitris

  • BIOFUELS-2G - Demonstration of a sustainable and effective 2nd generation biofuels application in an urban enviroment

    The core aim of the project is to study, develop and implement at pilot level advanced 2nd generation biofuels production schemes driven by local/regional public private partnerships between a Municipality, a research organization and a university, with a major mobilization of local enterprises which will provide the raw material for the fuel production.

    The project will shape an integrated approach towards the implementation of a production scheme for 2nd generation biofuels, with increased sustainability (use of renewable energy sources), covering the whole production chain, from the logistics of recovery to the production of the end product. This approach will be tailored to the characteristics of the region of Thessaloniki, but easily transferable to other major urban centers in Greece, and Europe in general. The pilots will prepare the ground for large-scale implementation, which will be operated by Public-Private Partnerships. Overall the project is expected to catalyze collaboration between public and private entities in the field of waste (used oils) management and use for the production of 2nd generation biofuels.

    The project can drastically improve the potential of producing 2nd generation biofuels by:

    • • Adopting, integrating and implementing new policy instruments, that is the partnership between a critical mass of stakeholders.
    • • Shaping innovative strategies and schemes for production which will be practically demonstrated in an urban environment.
    • • Taking advantage of new opportunities and increased maturity at the institutional and entrepreneurial environment.

    All the above will be integrated customized and implemented as pilots in the region of Thessaloniki in North Greece. Conditions in the region are now mature, both at policy as well as a technological level, to introduce an innovative scheme for biofuels production, in which the raw material will be provided by used food oils.

    The coordinating beneficiary for this project is PSDI/CERTH, while associated beneficiaries are the laboratory of applied thermodynamics of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the municipality of Thessaloniki, and the Association of restaurant owners of Thessaloniki .

    Funding Scheme : European Commission – Directorate general environment, Program : LIFE+

    Project site: www.biofuels2g.gr

    Starting Date : 1/1/2010, Duration : 3 years

    CPERI Budget : 707.337,80 €

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Spyridon Voutetakis

  • Efficient Exploitation of Low Enthalpy Geothermal Fields for Heating and Power Generation by Use of Optimum Heat Exchange Working Fluids and Power Generation Systems

    The exploitation of low enthalpy geothermal fields is currently limited in Greece , mostly due to the use of low thermal performance technologies that operate using conventional heat exchange working fluids, such as water. This project proposes the utilization of Computer-Aided Molecular Design (CAMD) technologies to design alternative heat exchange working fluids with optimum economic, operating and environmental characteristics, that will be used in district and greenhouse heating systems that operate using low enthalpy geothermal heat. Such technologies will also be utilized for the design of working fluids employed in Organic Rankine Cycle processes in order to enable efficient power generation from the heat content of low enthalpy geothermal fields. The results obtained from the proposed project will take the form of a data collection that enables the rapid identification of the optimum heat exchange working fluid and heating/power generation application type required, based on the physical characteristics of the considered geothermal field.

    Funding Scheme : Latsis Foundation

    Starting Date : 1/1/2010, Duration : 12 months

    CPERI Budget : 12.000 €

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Spyridon Voutetakis

  • Regenerative PEM Fuel Cells

    Taking into account the promising results of the project Feasibility of Regenerative PEM Fuel Cell (RPEMFC) for space applications, the continuation of the activity on Regenerative PEM Fuel Cells is ongoing under the project “Regenerative PEM Fuel Cells”. During the feasibility study, the limitations of current technology have been identified and further developments, in materials and process design, which are necessary for implementation of RPEMFC technology, have been proposed. Thus, in this activity as a logical continuation of the former project, we are focusing our efforts on the development of efficient PEM fuel cell and electrolyzer unit by utilizing high temperature polymeric membranes and very thin sputtered Ir-based electrodes. The technical scope, range of activities and multidisciplinary nature of the investigations dictated the involvement of Advent Technologies SA (responsible: Dr. S. Neophytides) with a proprietary technology on production of TPS® High Temperature polymeric membranes and the Laboratory of Chemical and Electrochemical Processes of the University of Patras (responsible: Prof. C. Vayenas) which has a fully equipped dc sputtering facility for thin metal or metal-oxide films deposition. The produced materials will be the basis for the construction of a demonstration unit which will be tested on the test bench developed under the former project, and operate for a period of six months at least under conditions specified by ESA. Besides direct technological impact of the technology development and the opening of a niche market, the proposed activity is aligned with the technical objective set by the Agency for further development in enabling a Greek industry, namely Advent Technologies SA, to enter general ESA procurement and fostering the creation of strong and long-term relations between a high-tech Greek firm and well-established European space firms in process and manufacturing sector.

    Funding Scheme : European Space Agency (ESA) “2nd call for outline proposals under the Greece Industry incentive scheme”

    Starting Date : 1/9/2009, Duration : 24 months

    CPERI Budget : 90.000 €

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Dimitrios Tsiplakides

  • Simultaneous Production of Hydrogen and C2's Hydrocarbons in Solid Oxide Membrane Reactors

    The conversion of methane to C2 compounds remains a challenging problem in heterogeneous catalysis and chemical reaction engineering. At the same time, the emerging hydrogen era stimulates research towards energy and carbon efficient processes for the production and purification of hydrogen. Along these lines, the main objective of this project is to develop a radically novel approach of upgrading methane towards either the simultaneous production/separation of H2 and C2 hydrocarbons or cogeneration of electrical power and C2's. To this end, the reaction system will be studied in solid state proton, (H+), conducting cells. The cells will operate either in the H+ "pumping" mode or in the chemical cogenerative fuel cell mode. In the first case, the production of C2 hydrocarbons along with the simultaneous production/recovery of pure hydrogen will be investigated. In the second case, electricity and C2 compounds will be co-generated. The key modification for both processes is the use of excess steam in order to either eliminate the problem of carbon formation or achieve complete oxidation to CO2 rather than CO.


    Starting Date : 11/01/2009, Duration : 36 months

    CPERI Budget : 120.000 €

    Scientific coordinator : Prof. Mihalis Stoukides

  • High Temperature Fuel Cells

    The objective of this activity is the Breadboard Demonstration of a High Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) after modification of terrestrial fuel cell units. Such a fuel cell with CO as a fuel could be combined with a carbon dioxide electrolyzer and photovoltaic panels for energy production in CO2 rich atmospheres like Mars. Terrestrial SOFC are currently not suitable for space use because of the construction material incompatibility with reactants like carbon monoxide. ESA had started developing the fuel cell technology for the Hermes programme. Since then SOFC development for space applications has stopped in Europe, whereas it has picked up for terrestrial applications and significant advances have occurred. SOFC development is pursued by the ship industry as well as highly efficient and clean power source for stationary power plants. However, many studies have shown the advantages of fuel cells in specific future space applications. In particular, planetary exploration missions would benefit considerably in terms of mass savings, if reactants for the power sources can be taken from the planetary atmosphere and utilised in fuel cells. This will require adaptation of the existing high temperature fuel cells to deal with the reactants like carbon monoxide. The on-going research concerns the stability and efficiency of the main components (electrodes and interconnects) of CO fuel cell. In particular, CERTH has undertaken the study of the anode electrocatalysts in collaboration with the Chemical Engineering Department of University of Patras (responsible: Prof. C. Vayenas). After materials preparation, characterization using spectroscopic, microscopic and electrochemical techniques was conducted. In parallel SOFC interconnects are being prepared and evaluated by the Norwegian partner Prototech. Final part of this activity is the construction of the 1kW pilot plant demonstration fuel cell unit using the materials proved to be stable and efficient during the experimental study.

    Funding Scheme : European Space Agency (ESA), ITT: AO/5694/08/NL/LvH of the General Support Technology, Program : GSTP

    Starting Date : 28/8/2008, Duration : 16 months

    CPERI Budget : 75.000 €

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Dimitrios Tsiplakides

  • Automotive Chassis Development for 5-Days Car (AC-DC)

    The prime objective of “AC-CD” is to develop a concept, which radically enhances automotive manufacturing in order to achieve the high level of responsiveness required for a 5-Days car according to customer specifications and to validate/demonstrate the novel approach using the characteristic component light-weight chassis as a master. This calls for both a determined step forward in motor vehicle technology combined with a dynamic planning process involving the full supply chain. In order to break with the traditional hierarchic manufacturing revolutionary concurrent elements must be introduced that reduce stocks and allow last moment configuration of new products in higher variations and quality and at lower costs. The deliverables of AC-DC will be a step ahead towards the next generation in automotive chassis technology, a practical fusion of the most important elements that enable the implementation of a highly reactive “5-Days Car” concept and an operational experience on its strengths, weaknesses and needs, and the identification of the next steps to take to secure automotive manufacturing in Europe amidst globalization. The RTD results from existing and emerging IPs in the same discipline and/or related RTD areas will be included, as appropriate. The IP “AC-DC” is an essential element of the High Level Target Concept: “EU 5-Days Car” of automotive industry, which is a cluster of automotive RTD initiatives addressing production, materials, logistics and supply chain management issues.

    Funding Scheme : European Commission under FP6, Priority 6-2 : Sustainable development, global change and ecosystems Sustainable Surface Transport - Integrated Project

    Starting Date : 1/10/2006, Duration : 4 years

    CPERI Budget : 32.000 €

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Dimitrios Tsiplakides

  • Application of Electrochemical Promotion in novel monolithic reactors

    Based on the recent development of Monolithic Electrochemical Promoted Reactor (MEPR) [Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 52 (2004) 181-196], the project addressed, in detail, aspects related to durability, useful life time, stack cost minimization, scale-up and scale-down of the MEPR. The prospect for commercialization of electropromoted reactors stems from the already strong industrial interest and involvement, as depicted from DuPont’s and BEDA’s participation in the project.

    The project objectives were:

    • • To systematically investigate the effect of catalysts thickness on electrochemical promotion
    • • To optimize MEPR design in order to increase endurance and useful lifetime with stack cost minimization
    • • To explore the limits of MEPR operation in terms of conversion

    Funding Scheme : General Secretariat for Research and Technology - Scientific and Technological Cooperation between RTD Organisations in Greece and RTD Organisations in U.S.A.

    Starting Date : 01-01-2007, Duration : 18 months

    CPERI Budget : 40.000 €

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Dimitrios Tsiplakides

  • Understanding Microscale Mechanisms in the Cathode Gas Diffusion Layer of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells

    The main objective of this research project is to provide insight and understanding, at a microscale level, of the underlying mechanism of flooding of the gas diffusion layer cathode in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Due to the micrometer scale dimensions of the gas diffusion layer (the GDL is usually about 0.25 mm in thickness with a porosity of about 0.4), and the fact that the flow and water vapour production occur in direct relation to the operating conditions of the fuel cell, it is very difficult to monitor the phenomena as they occur. Therefore, much effort has been recently directed towards numerical modeling of the flow and water transport in the GDL. Numerically approaching the problem allows calculation of the parameters of the interlinked physical phenomena in direct relation to a modification of the operating conditions and the geometric parameters of the microstructure. Furthermore, the numerical calculations were evaluated and interpreted in relation to experimental measurements of a fuel cell consisting of state of the art components and operating under nominal and extreme conditions, similar to the numerical simulations.

    Funding Scheme : General Secretariat for Research and Technology - Scientific and Technological Cooperation between RTD Organisations in Greece and RTD Organisations in U.S.A.

    Starting Date : 01-01-2007, Duration : 18 months

    CPERI Budget : 7.500 €

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Dimitrios Tsiplakides

  • European Forum on Electrochemical Promotion of Catalysis, (EFEPOC)

    This project aims at training young researchers to a new speciality: the Electrochemical Promotion of Catalysis, (EPOC), or Non-faradaic Electrochemical Promotion of Catalytic Activity (NEMCA) effect is an innovative concept which can be used to modify both the activity and the selectivity of a catalyst. The multi-disciplinary skills required to broaden the exploitation of EPOC and advance successful concepts to the process and/or device proof-of-concept stage are available in only a few research organizations and industrial companies. The aims of the European Forum on Electrochemical Promotion of Catalysis, (EFEPOC) are: (i) to train young European researchers (master and PhD students, post-doctoral scientists) to the multidisciplinary field of EPOC and (ii) to better structure and strengthen the EPOC European community. The objective is to strengthen the Europe leadership by defragmenting the European resources: organization of scientific exchanges, common publication and experiments, congress organization, harmonization of methodology, setting up the European projects through the FP7. EFEPOC is composed of two series of event over the period 2007-2009:

    • • A coherent series of four training courses entitled “from solid state electrochemistry to heterogeneous catalysis” during which young researchers acquired fundamental and practical knowledge, necessary for mastering all aspects of the EPOC field. By training these young scientists, the schools ensure the dissemination of top-quality science, and promotes the start of the scientific careers of future leaders in the field.
    • • Two conferences which cover both theoretical and practical aspects of EPOC as well as the interactions of EPOC with the catalysis and electrochemistry community.

    Funding Scheme : European Commission under FP6 - Human Resources and Mobility, Marie Curie Conferences and Training Courses (www.efepoc.com).

    Starting Date : 01-01-2007, Duration : 36 months

    CPERI Budget : 75.000 €

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Dimitrios Tsiplakides

  • Feasibility of Regenerative PEM Fuel Cell (RPEMFC) for space applications

    The use of fuel cells in aerospace applications is, up to date, very limited, future missions, however, will see more involvement of fuel cells in space, and this will include ESA activities as well. Reversible Fuel Cells (RFCS) have already been considered as potential energy storage devices for several space mission scenarios, even for Earth satellite missions. Two fields of application have been identified as suitable for the potential use of RFCS: the field of telecommunication for the replacement of batteries, and planetary exploration where RFCS would fill the gap between batteries and nuclear power sources. Current RFCS technology separates the electrolyzer cell and the fuel cell, but the optimum technology is a combined electrolyzer and fuel cell, a reversible fuel cell, with added benefits like reduced weight and volume, reduced cost and reduced maintenance. A complete, closed-loop system based on reversible fuel cells combined, for instance, with solar panels, would provide autonomous electrical power supply on-demand, which is of great interest and importance for space applications. Such systems are stand-alone systems, where the renewable energy source powers the system. To get involved in fuel cell development for space applications, a feasibility study, followed by a lab scale proof of concept on a small RFCS is required, and these two tasks represent the mainframe of activities for this project. The prime objective of the planned activity was the proof of feasibility of a low temperature regenerative PEM Fuel Cell (PREMFC) for space application. The choice of fuel cell system, (a unitized reversible cell or discrete FC-ELE cells), was the key point of this task. Following this feasibility study, the detailed description of the proposed RFCS, comprising of all elements for operation in closed loop configuration and under space conditions, was presented. As final part of this activity, the design and construction of a lab scale RFCS fuel cell system was realized. The test bench was successfully tested for 200 cycles of a predefined load profile, suitable for the evaluation of the reliability and performance of the RFCS system for space applications.

    Funding Scheme : European Space Agency (ESA) “1st Call for outline proposals under the Greece Industry incentive scheme”

    Starting Date : 01-01-2008, Duration : 19 months

    CPERI Budget : 97.000 €

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Dimitrios Tsiplakides

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  • Newcastle University - Courses on nonlinar effects of power DC/DC converters and their control

    Starting Date : 01/06/2013, Finish : 31/12/2014

    CPERI Budget : 9.346,93 €

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Spyridon Voutetakis

  • SOLVAY - Catalyst production of ethylene via oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane

    Starting Date : 01/02/2013, Finish : 30/07/2014

    CPERI Budget : 85.467,50 €

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Spyridon Voutetakis

  • CSOLUTIONS - Development and Support of Pilot Plants Infrastructure (2008-2013)

    This program is funded entirely by the company CSolutions Ltd and the development and maintenance of high technology systems operated by the company. In supporting the smooth operation of systems, pilot plants and staff of CSolutions is crucial that actions provided by LPSDI. Operations-work provided in regular maintenance and emergency service (emergency problems and crises).

    Collaborating company : CSolutions Ltd

    Starting Date : 01/12/2009, Finish : 31/12/2013

    CPERI Budget : 364.796,26 €

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Spyridon Voutetakis

  • Advanced Technologies - Construction of a pilot plant for production of Carbon Nanotubes

    Starting Date : 01/12/2011, Finish : 30/06/2013

    CPERI Budget : 205.020 €

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Spyridon Voutetakis

  • Imperial College - Construction of the Control Cabinet for a PEM Fuel Cell Unit

    The scope of this work is to the construction of the control cabinet for a PEM Fuel Cell Unit for Imperial College London. The design and construction will be performed at CERTH.

    Starting Date : 01/09/2011, Finish : 31/12/2011

    CPERI Budget : 14.875 €

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Spyridon Voutetakis

  • Imperial College - Design and Engineering of the Pem Fuel Cell Unit

    Design a small scale automated PEM fuel cell unit. The scope of supply is:

    • • the P&ID diagrams
    • • the electrical schematics (cable listing and color coding)
    • • the lists of process and electrical materials
    • • 3D and 2D layouts of the rig and the process unit with the components
    • • Manual of operating conditions and procedures

    Starting Date : 15/11/2010, Finish : 15/3/2011

    CPERI Budget : 16.000 €

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Spyridon Voutetakis

  • Biomass Pyrolysis and Upgrading

    Hydrogen is an important raw material for the chemical industry and it is clean fuel. Hydrogen is mainly produced from non-renewable sources, namely natural gas and petroleum fractions. Two possible technologies for hydrogen production, that explored in recent years are steam gasification and catalytic steam reforming of pyrolysis oil. Bio-oil is an energy source derived from conversion of biomass in the absence of oxygen. The aim of the project is the fractionation/separation of bio-oil in two fractions for H2 production through a steam reforming process. Regarding bio-oil fractionation the specific objectives of fractionation are the investigation of experimental conditions and solvents for optimum bio-oil separation and the quantitative and qualitative analyses of the produced two fractions (the aqueous and the residue). Specific objectives of the aqueous phase reforming process are the catalyst evaluation, the determination of the optimum conditions in pilot plant scale to produce hydrogen of aqueous fractionated pyrolysis oil in a fixed bed steam reformer and the process optimization.

    Collaborating company : BP

    Starting Date : 1/12/2009, Duration : 26 months

    CPERI Budget : 76.626 €

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Spyridon Voutetakis

  • Developoment and Support of Pilot Plants Infrastructure

    This program is funded entirely by the company CSolutions Ltd and the development and maintenance of high technology systems operated by the company. In supporting the smooth operation of systems, pilot plants and staff of CSolutions is crucial that actions provided by skilled staff LPsDI. Operations-work provided in regular maintenance and emergency service (emergency problems and crises).

    Collaborating company : CSolutions Ltd

    Starting Date : 1/12/2008, Duration : 26 months

    CPERI Budget : 225.462 €

    Scientific coordinator : Dr. Spyridon Voutetakis

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Research Projects

  • Research Projects funded by ΕU

    ECOPHOS – 323.000 € (participation of ΕU – 172.000 €) (12/2005-11/2008)

  • Research Projects funded by GSRT

    Methanol – 92.000 € (6/2004-6/2007)

  • Research Projects Supplying Services

    • • HYRES – 200.000 € (6/2006-6/2008)

    • • MAXPOWFC – 100.000 € (8/2006-12/2007)
  • Projects research Ministry of Education

    • • Archimidis – 30.000 € (8/2005-8/2007) (projects of ΤΕΙ – participation of CPERI members)

    • • Pythagoras – 50.000 € (projects of AUTH – participation of CPERI members)
  • Research Projects funded by ΕU

    OPT - ABSO – 400,000 € ( participation of ΕU – 200,000 €) (1/2002-12/2004)

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About PSDI

PSDI laboratory mainly targets focused research and industrial projects in the area of modeling, design, optimization and control of chemical and energy conversion processes. Also has developed expertise in the design, construction and automation of chemical and power production pilot plants through numerous industrial projects.

Latest News


  • Catalytic processes – Pilot scale testing
  • Automation and control systems for complex production units
  • Modeling and optimal design of processes
  • Advanced Process Control (APC) of chemical energy systems

Keep in Touch

  paris (@) cperi.certh.gr
  6th km Harilaou - Thermi, Thessaloniki, Greece